Vision and Purpose

Why do we work? What is the reason? Do we need one? Do we really need to be fullfilled? Do our Values really need to be met?

I know this begins to sound like some form of spanish inquisition... but allow me to take you back to the last time you were between contracts, waiting by the phone, waiting for the agent to call and be honest for a second... were you not tempted to ask those questions then?...

My point is we ask these questions of ourselves anyway AND ALWAYS (have you noticed) when we feel most vulnerable and NEVER in a way thats resourceful... ALWAYS in a way that leaves us feeling inadequate, insufficient, not enough... YET we tend to push it under the rug... to hide from the truth that we do need to feel that our ideas, our contributions, our solutions are heard... and are accepted as valuable.

We say we want money.. and yes thats true we really do want money.. but another truth... one that is perhaps less spoken and lurks deep down... is that we also need to feel we are doing something useful and really important. Why would we put up with all the internal politics? Bickering? Powerplays? OR is that something you enjoy? Did you know some DO love it? are good at it? even thrive on it? Yet for others its the very reason they go contracting just to get away from it.

now you find yourself between contracts
, sitting by the phone once more, waiting for your agent to call.

Would now be better spent asking if your Career Model is the right Fit.. if there is more to Vision, Life, Purpose and a reason for all the money? or is that a waste of time?

TOYL some words from its designer